Calculate BMI

While calculating obesity, the Body Mass Index (BMI), calculated by dividing your weight by the square of your height (kg/m²), is used and is based on the reference range of the World Health Organization. A high BMI indicates high body obesity. BMI refers to weight categories that can cause health problems, but it should be noted that it does not diagnose an individual’s health.

What Does the Body Mass Index Value Mean?

After calculating the body mass index, the value obtained in BMI is interpreted as follows:

0 ila 18,4 BMI

If you are in this category; Your BMI class is “Weak”. In case of encountering this value, which indicates that the person’s weight is insufficient compared to their height, it is recommended that the person gain weight in a healthy way in the presence of a dietitian.

18.5 ila 24.9 BMI: 

If you are in this category; Your BMI class is “Normal”. This range of values indicates that the person is at the ideal weight. It is recommended that people with this value continue to eat a regular, balanced and healthy diet.

25 ila 29.9 BMI:

If you are in this category; Your BMI class is “Overweight”. In this value range, which indicates that the person is overweight compared to his height, it is recommended that the person lose their excess weight with a suitable diet. At the same time, you should start sports and make minor changes in your daily life.

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30 ila 34.9 BMI:

If you are in this category; Your BMI class is “Obese”. In the value range evaluated in the first degree obese category, it is understood that the weight of the person is at a level that may pose a risk in terms of health. It is recommended that these people lose weight with the help of a dietitian. At this stage, the blood picture should be examined by getting professional support, arrangements should be made about his daily life, and sports should definitely be started.

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35 ila 44.9 BMI

If you are in this category; Your BMI class is “Morbid Obese”. People with these values, which are defined as second degree obese, have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended that the person consult a dietitian to lose weight. These patients must be evaluated by a specialist doctor.

You can visit our Obesity Surgery page, get information about obesity and contact us.

45+ BMI

If you are in this category; Your BMI class is “Super Obese”. These people who are in the third degree obese category have a very high risk of developing the disease. It is recommended to lose weight under the guidance of a physician and dietitian. The rate of achieving permanent weight control with measures such as diet and exercise is below 3% of the patients in this group. Especially patients with a history of unsuccessful diets are candidates for direct bariatric surgery.

You can visit our Obesity Surgery page, get information about obesity and contact us.

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