Lose weight with Gastric Sleeve!

  • 5000+ Tube Gastrectomy Surgery
  • Fast recovery with 3-hole surgery! (Laparoscopy)
  • Professional team, satisfied patients, comfortable operation.

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  • The patient is picked up from the airport by a VIP vehicle with Wi-Fi internet and taken to the hospital.
  • The patient is received by the team in the hospital and the registration process takes place.
  • All examinations of the patient are carried out. (Blood draw, X-ray, USG, EKG are checked and evaluated by the internist and anesthetist.)
  • The patient is admitted to the hospital and all necessary documents are signed.
  • The patient meets Dr. Ersin Aksu.
  • The patient is called into the operating room. (A porter picks up the patient from his room and takes him to the operating room.)
  • The patient is prepared for the operation and the operation is carried out.
  • After the operation, the patient is admitted to the recovery room and after waking up the patient is brought back to his private room by a porter.
  • The patient is mobilized after 4 hours and spends the day in peace.
  • A seal test is carried out.
  • In the private room there will be nutritional advice and drug training.
  • The patient stays in the hospital for 2 days and regular patient visits are carried out until the day of discharge.
  • On the day of discharge, the patient is picked up and driven to the airport in a VIP vehicle.
  • The patient is then regularly monitored and is in constant contact. Patients can call us around the clock. There are general controls and dietitian controls in the 1st week, 1st month, 3rd month, 6th month, 1st year, 1.5 years and 2nd year online.
  • In addition, psychological support is provided for 6 months.

Gastric Sleeve (sleeve gastrectomy) Operation in Turkey - İZMİR 2100₤

Gastric Sleeve Operation : 2100₤

* All inclusive costs for a laproscopic Gastric Sleeve with 3-Holes-Teqnique

* This surgery is a private surgery

* No payment by installment

* Only cash payment

Gastric Sleeve Surgery - sleeve gastrectomy - VSG

1- Consultation
In consultation with our surgeon, you will receive the best information on Gastric Sleeve We provide you with up-to-date information in person or by phone.

2 – Treatment
The treatment takes place by our specialists after detailed information, detailed tests and various examinations. It is aimed to apply the most accurate treatment.

3 – Success
We follow the process closely after the surgery as well as before the surgery. We achieve success with proper nutrition guidance and postoperative follow-up.

Gastric Sleeve
What is the Gastric Sleeve (Sleeve Gastrectomy) ?

Gastric Sleeve is the most common surgical method used today in relation to obesity. It is also commonly known as stomach reduction surgery. In short, Gastric Sleeve is the operation of reducing the stomach by 80% to 90% depending on the weight the patient wants to lose.

Throughout the operation, the patient is completely anesthetized with general anesthesia and the operation is performed “laparoscopically” through small holes in the abdomen. We apply the “3 Hole Method” that we have developed. In this method; the holes are 1cm, 1cm and 0,5cm. The holes become too small to be seen 1 year after the operation. The operation is completed in between 40 minutes and 1 hour and 90% of our patients are taken to their room after the operation. The time between being taken from your room with a special stretcher and being brought back is 2-2.5 hours. On the other hand, our high-risk patients are taken to the “Intensive Care Unit” for a while; it is ensured that they are kept under observation and safe.

We are a team that knows very well that the relatives of the patients experience stress during the operation. We explain the process by giving detailed information to the patient and the patient’s relatives about the preoperative process and we inform the patient’s relatives at the end of the operation. You can also watch the surgery videos we have livestream on our Instagram page about the surgical technique we apply; you can have an idea about our experience and technique.

We can adjust the stomach volume according to the weight of the patients and change the area to be sectioned at the discharge of the stomach, and we can regulate the stomach size at rates such as 80%-85%-90%. Thanks to it, we prevent the person from losing excessive weight by adjusting the weight to be lost. For this purpose, we always ask our patients about the weight they want to reach before undergoing the operation.

One of the two most frequently performed surgeries in the world is Gastric Sleeve. The reason why Gastric Sleeve surgery has been the most performed surgery in the last 15 years is that there is a lot of patient satisfaction. The most important advantages are that the duration of operation is short, the complication rates are extremely low, the period of postoperative recovery is fast, and getting back to normal life is short and uneventful.

As a result of our experience of more than 10 years, we see that our own patients are satisfied with “Gastric Sleeve”. 

Op.Dr. Ferhat Çelik and his team of specialists aim for high success with strict follow-up before and after surgery. Your happiness is our success. For further information, please contact us and review our Instagram account.

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Op. Dr. Ferhat Çelik Obesity and Metabolic Surgery