Gastric By-Pass

Gastric Bypass means creating a passageway from the stomach to the intestines in general surgery. It is a method applied in various diseases blocking the gastric outlet. Gastric Bypass, as used in obesity surgery, is a surgical method in which most of the stomach is disabled and the food taken is digested by using almost only half of the intestines.

To Whom is Gastric By-Pass Surgery Applied?

Gastric Bypass can be applied to patients who are obese and cannot lose weight or who have weight-related complaints such as insulin resistance and joint disease. Although it was the most frequently applied surgical method until five years ago, the frequency of its application has decreased as sleeve gastrectomy became more popular. It is now applied as a second operation (revision surgery) in patients who gain weight again after sleeve gastrectomy

How is Gastric By-Pass Surgery Performed?

The entire procedure is carried out by the laparoscopic (closed) surgery method. Laparoscopic surgery is done by performing a large number of small incisions. The ports placed from these incisions are utilized to reach the abdomen with hand tools. One is for the introduction of surgical telescopes and others are for specialized surgical instruments attached to a video camera. The surgeon watches the operation on a video monitor. Due to his/her experience, an experienced laparoscopic surgeon can perform many procedures laparoscopically, just like in open surgery.

1- Consultation
In consultation with our surgeon, you will receive the best information on gastric bypass We provide you with up-to-date information in person or by phone.

2 – Treatment
The treatment takes place by our specialists after detailed information, detailed tests and various examinations. It is aimed to apply the most accurate treatment.

3 – Success
We follow the process closely after the surgery as well as before the surgery. We achieve success with proper nutrition guidance and postoperative follow-up.

What are the disadvantages of Gastric Bypass surgery compared to Tube Gastric surgery?

  • Gastric Bypass may cause longer-term vitamin deficiencies and mineral deficiencies (especially deficiencies in vitamin B12, iron, calcium, and folate).
  • It requires dietary recommendations of lifelong vitamin-mineral supplementation and follow-up.
  • Intervention options for weight regain are more limited.
  • When there is a problem, there is no chance to interfere with the bile ducts and pancreatic duct with endoscopy. Procedures such as ERCP and biopsy cannot be performed.
  • Since the part of the stomach that secretes the appetite hormone is not removed, the decrease in appetite is less compared to the tube stomach.

Op.Dr. Ersun Aksu and his team of specialists aim for high success with strict follow-up before and after surgery. Your happiness is our success. For further information, please contact us and review our Instagram and YouTube accounts.


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