What is the Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Sleeve Gastrectomy is the most common surgical method used today in relation to obesity. It is also commonly known as stomach reduction surgery. In short, Sleeve Gastrectomy is the operation of reducing the stomach by 80% to 90% depending on the weight the patient wants to lose.
How is the Sleeve Gastrectomy Performed?
Throughout the operation, the patient is completely anesthetized with general anesthesia and the operation is performed “laparoscopically” through small holes in the abdomen. We apply the “3 Hole Method” that we have developed. In this method; the holes are 1cm, 1cm and 0,5cm. The holes become too small to be seen 1 year after the operation. The operation is completed in between 40 minutes and 1 hour and 90% of our patients are taken to their room after the operation. The time between being taken from your room with a special stretcher and being brought back is 2-2.5 hours. On the other hand, our high-risk patients are taken to the “Intensive Care Unit” for a while; it is ensured that they are kept under observation and safe.