He has performed tube gastric surgeries through 3 holes, which is his own method, completing a great deal of successful surgeries.

Tube Gastric Surgery performed with 3 Holes from the abdomen

Your treatment process is much shorter now with the obesity surgeries that Dr. Ersin Aksu has performed by opening only 3 holes in your abdomen.

Tube Gastric Surgery through 3 Holes

“I wasted time with my fear; I wish I had been operated with this technique before. I’m glad I was operated on by my surgeon Dr. Ersin. It’s very valuable to me that he doesn’t leave you alone after the operation, as a doctor and as a human. Meanwhile, 40 kilos given in 10 months; I’ve become a new person.” @yelizakpullukcu

Aksu took an important step for the health sector based on his experience in performing his profession and began to implement a different method in his surgeries. Dr. Ersin Aksu pioneered an innovation by making #tube #gastric surgeries through 3 holes, which are his own method, without exposing the patient’s other organs to the effect of his operation, i.e. by saving other organs from complications that may occur. With this method, he has undergone many successful surgeries.

Minimum Risk

In classical methods, a metal auxiliary apparatus is used to keep the liver away from the surgical site, and the liver is at risk from any complications that may occur. However, thanks to Dr. Ersin Aksu’s 3-hole method, such apparatus is not required and thus no risk situation occurs for the liver.

Another advantage of this method is that the entire operation is carried out under the supervision of the specialist doctor himself and fewer assistants are needed.

When tube gastric surgery is performed through three holes, only one assistant is needed for the camera. Thus, the control and decision-making of the other two tools is only in Dr. Ersin Aksu’s control. However, when the surgery is performed through four or more holes, additional tools and assistants are required. This prevents the rapid and serial usage of the control mechanism, causing too much crowding in the surgical area, which is a situation that always carries added risks… However, thanks to Dr. Ersin Aksu’s method, the risk is minimal…

The Importance of the Number of Holes in Laparoscopy

” I couldn’t imagine, but your magic hands gave me my new life, I’m grateful to you, my dear doctor.” @sinasiebru

How closed surgeries accelerate the return of patients to their routine, as the number of holes decreases, the healing process accelerates and the patient feels more comfortable. In addition, thanks to the technique that Dr. Ersin Aksu applied in tube gastrectomy surgeries, he does not need to use the drain, whose withdrawal is extremely painful and frightening.

The Clinic

To be able to get to know his patients closely, to provide more detailed interviews with them and to take care of their health conditions in detail, Dr. Ersin Aksu launched his own clinic in 2018, bringing health to more patients and is now happy to welcome his patients to his clinic.

Dr. Ersin Aksu, who is closely interested in the whole process of his patients with the expert team he works with in his clinic, welcomes his patients with a smile. He follows the whole process together with the dietitian in his team, performs the surgical operation in the hospital the patient chooses, and serves with a team that can be reached 24/7 both before and after the surgery.

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