Pregnancy is one of the most important cycles of nutrition in human life. This fact has given rise to the idea that pregnant women should eat for two. However, over nutrition in pregnancy also harms the health of mother and baby as badly as malnutrition does.

If you do not gain enough weight during pregnancy, you can have a small baby. In all conditions, the baby meets the energy and nutrients requirements from the mother’s storage. Especially after the 20th week of pregnancy this requirements increases even more. The fat depot accumulated in your body is to meet the increased energy requirement during breastfeeding and to maintain metabolism.

Skipping meals is a serious danger.

” Skipping meals and dieting creates serious dangers for a developing baby. You have to eat your meals on time. “

Women who had previously undergone obesity surgery are recommended to gain 8-12 kg weight during pregnancy.

For a healthy pregnancy, the speed is as important as the amount of weight gain. Weight gain for the first three months of pregnancy is expected to be 1-2 kg and 2 kg per month in later periods.

The Importance of Calcium and Folic Acid

Low intake of the mother’s calcium during pregnancy causes deterioration of bone development in the baby. Therefore, calcium-rich foods (milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage-cheese, molasses, nuts, dried legumes, green leafy vegetables) should be consumed in the recommended amount.

For the prevention of certain metabolic disorders that may occur in the baby, for the development of skull bones and the brain, the consumption of folic acid during pregnancy is very important. Dark green leafy vegetables, cauliflower, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products and grains are the best sources of folic acid.

Liquid consumption

•Women who consume more than 5 cups of dark tea and coffee a day have a high risk of premature and low birth weight. Therefore, pregnant women are advised to consume weak tea with lemon, 2 hours before or after meals.

•You need at least 8-10 cups of fluid during pregnancy. You must drink water without waiting for the feeling of thirst. In addition to water, compote, freshly squeezed juices, and ayran / buttermilk can be preferred.

For constipation or if you have problems similar to constipation you can consume;

• at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day,

• dried legumes at least 2-3 times a week,

• drink at least 10 cups of water per day, and

• dried apricots, prunes or figs before breakfast in the morning.

For heartburn;

•Eat your meals little by little and consume them often

•Avoid foods with sauce and oil

•Do not drink dark tea, coffee, Nescafe

•Do not sleep immediately after dinner

•Wear casual dresses

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